Research Team: A/Prof. Pramod Koshy, Dr. Sushil Gupta, Prof. Charles Sorrell, Mr. James Jang (POSCO), Dr. Michael Drew (ANSTO)
Industry Partner: POSCO
Timeframe: 2017 – 2018
- Determine the interfacial characteristics and high-temperature strengths of different cokes of varying characteristics
- Determine the mechanical properties after heat treatment in inert conditions at room temperature and at high temperatures
- Determine the microstructural, mineralogical, and chemical characteristics of the cokes
- Correlate the fracture behaviour of the cokes with the microstructural and mineralogical transformations at the different test temperatures
- Coke samples of varying characteristics showed quite similar values for ash contents and ash chemistry
- Rapid brittle fracture failure at room temperature compared to increased plastic deformation at high-temperatures
- Compressive strengths for cokes were significantly higher at higher temperatures compared to the room temperature strengths
- Fracture behavior of the cokes was determined by the strengths of the RMDC and IMDC component
- Increased graphitisation was observed with increase in testing temperatures